Risultati per 'mitsubishi pathfast':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'mitsubishi pathfast':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 point of care analyzer | pathfast | united states
PATHFAST is #1 for precision among point-of-care analyzers*. With a 5.1% CV for Troponin I at the 99th percentile cutoff, PATHFAST provides doctors, nurses, and technicians core-lab quality results from a bench-top analyzer. A high level of accuracy is achieved through a combination of chemilluminescence technology and proprietary Magtration ...

 pathfast™ | in vitro diagnostics | phc europe
With an expansive menu of assays covering cardiac, inflammation, and specialty markers, PATHFAST™ empowers healthcare professionals to make informed decisions swiftly. Trust in PHC Europe's commitment to innovation and reliability for advanced point-of-care testing. Elevate your healthcare practices with PATHFAST™ – where speed meets ...

 immunoanalyzer | pathfast | phc corporation
PATHFAST ™ is a fully automatic immunoassay analyzer, which combines the progressive chemiluminescence technology with the patented Magtration® technology. Small sample volumes can be detected with high accuracy and precision. The device and the reagent strips provide optimum sensitivity. Whole blood, plasma and serum are automatically ...

Altri risultati:

 immunoenzimatica - mitsubishi pathfast
Il Mitsubishi Pathfast permette l’analisi immunoenzimatica in chemiluminescenza (CLEIA) e tramite tecnica MAGTRATION®, su sangue intero, siero o plasma ed assicura la precisione e l’accuratezza tipica degli standard di laboratorio ma con sensibilità analitiche maggiori e con tempi ridottissimi. Sistema multiparametrico preciso ed accurato.

 high sensitivity troponin | pathfast™ | phc corporation
PATHFAST™ hs-cTnI can be used as an aid in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction and in the risk stratification of patients presenting with acute coronary syndromes. In addition to the diagnosis of AMI, detection of low cardiac troponin levels may make it possible to predict information (risk stratification) in terms of short- and long term mortality of patients.

 mitsubishi pathfast - gestione elettromedicali prodotti per analisi
Il Mitsubishi Pathfast permette l’analisi immunoenzimatica in chemiluminescenza (CLEIA) e tramite tecnica MAGTRATION®, su sangue intero, siero o plasma ed assicura la precisione e l’accuratezza tipica degli standard di laboratorio ma con sensibilità analitiche maggiori e con tempi ridottissimi.

 about | pathfast
Ideal for: is an easy to use, bench-top chemiluminescent immunoassay analyzer providing affordable, core-lab quality results from whole blood samples in under 17 minutes. With the flexibility to run up to six tests simultaneously, and results that are unaffected by hemolysis, PATHFAST ensures accurate results are available to the caregiver ...

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