Risultati per 'presepsin':

Di seguito l'elenco dei risultati di ricerca trovati rilevanti per la keyword 'presepsin':

Risultati maggiormente rilevanti:

 presepsina | pathfast™ | phc corporation
PATHFAST™ Presepsin è un saggio immunoenzimatico in chemiluminescenza per la misurazione quantitativa della concentrazione di presepsina (sCD14-ST) nel sangue intero o nel plasma. PATHFAST™ Presepsin è usato come supporto nella diagnosi e nella prognosi della sepsi, nella valutazione del grado di gravità settica e come ausilio nella stratificazione del rischio dei pazienti con sepsi ...

 presepsin as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in sepsis
Presepsin and the biomarker sTREM-1 were more sensitive for the diagnosis of sepsis in the ICU compared to procalcitonin and CRP, with the most accurate indicator being a composite biomarker of presepsin and sTREM-1. In patients diagnosed with sepsis, higher values of both biomarkers were associated with mortality.

 presepsin: methods of measure, features and biomarker ... - springer
Presepsin values tend to decrease after 7 days in patients with positive blood culture and appropriate antibiotic therapy, while a high concentration of presepsin on the first day of hospitalization can be correlated to longer ICU hospitalization, prolonged mechanical ventilation, with a low grade of resolution of the infection and increased mortality (Kim et al. 2017).

Altri risultati:

 presepsin: a promising biomarker for sepsis - pmc
Presepsin levels are not only helpful in differentiating between sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) but also act as a prognostic tool in bacterial sepsis. 7 sCD14-ST was first studied in 2005 to differentiate patients with sepsis from healthy controls and patients in SIRS. 8 The level of sCD14-ST in subjects with sepsis was much higher than the levels in subjects with ...

 presepsin - wikipedia
Presepsin is a soluble PRR. Presepsin in the circulation is an indicator of monocyte-macrophage activation in response to pathogens. Clinical relevance. Several clinical studies have demonstrated that presepsin is a specific and sensitive marker for the diagnosis, severity assessment and outcome prediction of sepsis.

 presepsin as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of severe ... - nature
We aimed to develop presepsin as a marker of diagnosis of severe infections of either bacterial and viral origin. The derivation cohort was recruited from 173 hospitalized patients with acute ...

 il marker di sepsi pathfast™ presepsin
PATHFAST® Presepsin è un test immunoenzimatico in chemiluminescenza per la misura quantitativa in vitro della concentrazio-ne di Presepsin (sCD14-ST) nel sangue intero o nel plasma. PATHFAST® Presepsin viene utilizzato quale ausilio nella diagnosi e nella prognosi di sepsi, nella definizione del grado di severità della sepsi ed è un valido ...

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